STEMx System

A powerful tool that expands the utility of your Gatan camera to address 4D STEM diffraction studies. 

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Introducing STEMx®, a powerful tool that adds 4D scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) diffraction capabilities to your existing Gatan camera (K3® IS, Metro® camera series, ClearView® IS, OneView® IS, Rio® 16 IS, or Stela®*) and GIF Continuum®. 4D STEM is the capture of a full 2D diffraction pattern at each pixel position in a 2D STEM map.

  • Powered by eaSI technology: Adds powerful 4D STEM capabilities to your Gatan camera and utilizes a single optimized interface for setup, acquisition, and processing
  • Ensures high-quality data for all users: Integrated workflows (virtual apertures, strain mapping, differential phase contrast imaging, and orientation mapping) simplify routine 4D STEM studies, and scripting expands studies to advanced applications
  • Unmatched 4D STEM across platforms: Complements your existing techniques and is the only system fully integrated with energy filtering and hybrid-pixel detection

Use the STEM spectrum imaging (SI) technique in DigitalMicrograph® to set up the experimental parameters, then start acquisition, and one diffraction pattern is automatically recorded for each STEM probe position via hardware synchronization through the STEMx box. Using the STEM SI technique, EELS, EDS, or CL signals are combined and collected simultaneously or consequentially from the same area of the specimen (acquisition mode dependent). Similarly, you can collect 5D STEM datasets (4D STEM + time) using the 4D STEM in-situ package. Such multimodal, linked data acquisition allows morphological and structural analysis via diffraction imaging and chemical and compositional analysis via spectroscopy and allows for a more conclusive analysis of your specimens.

To ensure you get the most out of your information-rich 4D datasets, STEMx offers integrated analysis tools. This includes:


Materials Today Advances

Tai, C. L.; Chiu, Y. N.; Chen, C. J.; Lin, S. K.; Lin, H. C.; Misra, R. D. K.; Yang, Y. L.; Hsiao, C. N.; Tsao, C. S.; Chung, T. F.


Mao, W.; Zhang, W.; Huang, C.; Zhou, L.; Kim, J. S.; Gao, S.; Lei, Y.; Wu, X.; Hu, Y.; Pei, X.; Fang, W.; Liu, X.; Song, J.; Fan, C.; Nie, Y.; Kirkland, A. I.; Wang, P.

ACS Nano

Mun, J.; Sushko, P. V.; Brass, E.; Zhou, C.; Kisslinger, K.; Qu, X.; Liu, M.; Zhu, Y.

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