
Unique insight into the chemical and electronic properties of materials at the microscopic level.

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WHAT IS Cathodoluminescence?

After being excited by an electron beam, many materials emit light in a captivating display known as cathodoluminescence (CL). This light spans the spectrum from ultraviolet to visible and even infrared wavelengths, showcasing the hidden wonders within the material. However, the reach of a CL system is defined by its carefully chosen internal optics and detectors. By exploring the specific wavelengths emitted through spectroscopy, we gain a deeper understanding of the material's essence. Additionally, delving into the nuances of the collected light, including analysis of polarization and emission angles, unveils even greater insights into its fascinating characteristics.

The electron beam of an electron microscope can be focused to a diameter of just a few nanometers or less, forming a highly focused energetic probe capable of exciting metals, semiconductors, and insulating samples. This finely focused electron beam can be scanned across a specimen, producing CL images or maps with remarkable spatial resolution, exceeding that of optical spectroscopies by over tenfold. By adjusting the microscope's acceleration voltage to influence the electron beam's interaction volume with the electron's landing energy, we can delve into the varying depths of a specimen to explore its evolving characteristics.

CL can harmoniously be combined with other electron microscopy techniques, such as electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), or energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), creating a powerful synergy. This integration positions CL as a compelling technique for diverse applications and groundbreaking research, particularly in semiconductors, plasmonics, and geology. By analyzing the emitted light, we unveil crucial insights into a material’s structural and functional properties, offering revelations that transcend the limitations of other methods.

Visible wavelength spectrum

As described above, many different types of CL experiments can be conducted. The table below outlines some experiment types and their potential applications.

Modalities Example applications
Unfiltered Imaging / Filtered Imaging Creates a map that showcases the dynamic variations in CL intensity, where the emitted light is filtered to unveil information at selected wavelengths. This technique illuminates the intricate textures in mineralogy, zonation, overgrowths, and micro-cracks, revealing extended defects in semiconductor materials and devices.
Spectroscopy Captures a CL spectrum that unveils the intensity variation by wavelength. This can reveal radiative impurities such as trace elements, perform composition metrology in compound semiconductors, and investigate exciton luminescence signals.
Spectrum Imaging (SI) Collects a CL spectrum at each point of a map, revealing the qualitative (normally) composition or strain mapping of an alloy.
Angle-resolved CL (ARCL) Determines the emission pattern of nanostructures and light-emitting devices.
Wavelength and angle-resolved CL (WARCL) Uncovers photonic band structures and energy-momentum spectroscopy.
Polarization resolved Retrieves the full polarization state of the emitted light.


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Extraction of CL trace elements: Fe in corundum at 460 nm (red) and Sm in apatite at 605 nm (green)

Major, minor, and trace element distributions in a meteorite revealed by energy dispersive spectroscopy and cathodoluminescence spectroscopy

Colorized spectrum image highlighting emission from GaN and InxGa1-xN

Cathodoluminescence as a technique for inspection, metrology, and failure analysis of microLED processing

Unfiltered and color cathodoluminescence images of igneous quartz or plutonic granite

Cathodoluminescence techniques for the geosciences

Monarc detector

Wavelength-filtered images acquired at 3 kV showing the origin of different emission wavelengths

Extending cathodoluminescence detection to infrared wavelengths

Proportion of Se/Te as determined by EDS and CL

Quantitative analysis of trace elements in solar cells by energy dispersive and cathodoluminescence spectroscopies)

Unfiltered CL image with the decay extraction region indicated

Spectroscopic time-resolved cathodoluminescence using a conventional scanning electron microscope (SEM)

Fit maps extracted from the polarization filtered spectrum image showing degree of polarization DP, polarized and unpolarized component

Observation of crystal structure orientation by cathodoluminescence (CL) polarization-filtered spectrum imaging

SE image of InGaN/GaN core-shell pillar array in plane-view with tilted view of a single pillar, symmetrically averaged WARCL emission pattern of pillar array

Determining photonic band structure by energy-momentum spectroscopy in an electron microscope

Secondary electron image of h-BN flakes overlaid with a colorized representation of a CL spectrum image

Spectroscopic analysis of ultra-wide bandgap semiconductors

Secondary electron image of kyanite thin-section and EDS map revealing a predominantly coarse-grained quartz-kyanite segregation with small amounts of staurolite

Streamlined microanalysis in the SEM

True-color representations of spectrum images captured by wavelength-resolved and wavelength-filtered modes of the Monarc detectors

High-speed, hyperspectral (spectrum) imaging for all with the Monarc detector

Six emission patterns from the micropillar array extracted from the reconstructed WARCL data set

Complete understanding of light emission with nanoscale spatial resolution

Colorized polarization-filtered CL spectrum image with opposing polarizations displayed in blue and red overlaid on the in-lens secondary electron image, and (c) the difference of averaged angle-resolved (AR) CL patterns for excitations at the tips of the isolated nanostar using the same colorization

Investigating the optical properties of nanophotonic materials far below the diffraction limit


Cathodoluminescence in the TEM

SEM images of the as-grown nanorods (NRs), and dark field STEM images of the NRs after mechanical exfoliation

An example of why it is so important to correlate the structural and optical properties of semiconductor nanorods directly

Atomic resolution annular dark field STEM images of a nanorod section taken through the axial direction. Another frame showing intense blue emissions from the InGaN shell along the non-polar sidewalls

Nano-cathodoluminescence reveals the effect of indium segregation on the optical properties of nitride semiconductor nanorods

Correlated TEM image and band gap map of a polycrystalline CdS/CdTe solar cell

Mapping the electronic bandgap of semiconductor compounds with milli-electron volt accuracy

Spectral properties of individual QW in a blue LED revealed by a CL spectrum line scan

Nano-cathodoluminescence enables the design of light-emitting diodes with higher efficiencies

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