GIF Continuum K3 IS: Advanced direct detection for in-situ chemical analysis
Gatan DigitalMicrograph is a well-established software tool for performing in-situ (S)TEM experiments. This powerful capability has now been expanded to allow capture and analysis of in-situ EELS and spectrum imaging datasets. This video demonstrates the unique in-situ data acquisition and analysis capability of this advanced software platform when operated together with the GIF Continuum® K3® system.
Continuum IS: Versatile time-resolved data collection webinar
Gatan's latest spectrometer, the Continuum, enables a wide range of techniques for (S)TEM investigations. This versatility is enhanced further with the Continuum IS, where acquisition modes have been expanded to capture data continuously over time.
This webinar will present the numerous types of data that can be collected with the Continuum IS as well as the powerful tools we provide to process that data, including our redesigned IS player and Python scripting.
Continuously acquired 4D STEM and EELS spectrum images for in-situ microscopy webinar
In this webinar, we presented new tools for in-situ EELS spectrum imaging and in-situ 4D STEM. In addition to a simple interface for continuous acquisition with live drift correction, Gatan has developed a suite of tools for processing and visualizing these multi-dimensional datasets. While faster detectors make a continuous acquisition of analytical data feasible, these tools for the management of the resulting data make such experiments practical.
Auf den Spuren von Lithium im Mikrometerbereich
Lithium-Ionen-Batterien (Li) werden aufgrund ihrer herausragenden Energiedichte und geringen Masse für eine Vielzahl von Energiespeicheranwendungen eingesetzt. Es besteht weiterhin großes Potential zur Verbesserung der Kapazität und der Effizienz dieser Energiematerialien durch die Optimierung der verwendeten Komponenten und Materialien. Insbesondere durch den Mangel an geeigneten Charakterisierungstechniken auf der Mikro- und Nanoebene, sind die Abbaumechanismen und Strukturentwicklungen noch nicht ausreichend erforscht.
3DED: データ取得とデータ解析の概要
結晶性材料中の正確な原子配列の決定は、構造と物性間の関係を理解する上で重要です。そして新たな材料の合成方法に利用することも出来ます。これまでの数十年間、サブミクロン/ナノメートルサイズの結晶の構造決定に三次元電子線回折(3DED)が用いられてきました。この手法は連続傾斜電子線回折法 (Continuous Rotational Electron Diffraction; CRED) やマイクロED (Microcrystal Electron Diffraction, MicroED) とも呼ばれます。この手法を用いることで、酸化物やゼオライト、MOF、タンパク質、薬物などの正しい構造がこれまでに報告されています。3DEDで使用する連続データ取得モードによって、より高速のデータ取得が可能となり、電子線照射に敏感な様々な材料に対しても有効な手法となっています。