NUANCE Workshop on 4D STEM: Data Processing using Python

NUANCE Workshop on 4D STEM: Data Processing in DM

NUANCE Workshop on 4D STEM: Fundamentals of Electron Diffraction and 4D STEM

Cryogenic Transmission Electron Microscopy for Battery Materials and Interphases

Owing to recent developments in cryogenic TEM for materials science, it becomes possible to image Li-based battery materials in the TEM without side reactions and beam damage. The chemistry and nanostructure of the SEI can now be visualized and directly correlated to battery performance, offering unprecedented insight into electrochemical behavior and aging phenomena within batteries. In this talk, William Huang highlighted his recent work using cryo-TEM to understand SEI properties and failure modes in next-generation silicon and metallic lithium anodes.

Shining Light on Nanomaterials with Optically Coupled Electron Microscopy Webinar

Light is a ubiquitous and critical resource in our daily lives. Light facilitates our ability to see, enables near-instantaneous global communications, and is the sole energy source for the photosynthetic organisms that comprise the base of the food chain on Earth. Around the world, scientists and engineers are pushing the limits of light to create the next generation of optical technologies that will enable ultrafast optical computers, self-driving cars, rapid medical diagnostics, and address the global climate crisis.

Handling In-Situ Video Data in GMS 3 Webinar

Modern CMOS-based TEM cameras are capable of generating data in quantities too large to manually analyze every frame. It is not uncommon to generate hundreds of GB of data in a single session if capturing data with high spatial and temporal resolution. The key challenge is finding and extracting from the complete data set the minimal range of data which contains the desired information so that this can be analyzed in detail to yield a scientific conclusion.

Low-Dose and High-Speed In-Situ TEM with the K3 IS Camera Webinar

The versatile K3 IS direct detection camera is allowing for in-situ characterization of material reactions with high ease-of-use and unhindered switching between low-dose and high-speed imaging. The large field of view with the K3 IS camera has enabled investigations on nanoparticle transformations and dynamics at temperature within the environmental TEM, lithiation of battery anodes, and 4D STEM strain mapping of nanowires post in-situ testing.

GMS 3 Analysis Tools: Multivariate Statistical Analysis

Electron energy-loss spectrum imaging is well established as a powerful tool for materials analysis. The wealth of information available beyond simple composition, coupled with high signal collection efficiency in next-generation imaging filters makes this technique particularly advantageous for advanced analysis and mapping.

GMS 3.4 Analysis Tools: Linear Least Squares Fitting

Least-squares fitting by multiple linear least squares and non-linear least squares fitting is a core workflow for advanced analytical data processing in Gatan Microscopy Suite® (GMS) software. A number of key features have been added to the linear least-squares fitting toolset in GMS such as non-negative reference fitting, live fitting, single click map computation, and an expansive list of supported function models for non-linear mode.

GMS 3 Analysis Tools: Python Integration

DigitalMicrograph®, or Gatan Microscopy Suite® (GMS), has become an industry-standard software tool in electron microscopy due to its ability to perform advanced: hardware control, data visualization, and data processing, both on and off-line. Scripting capability has always been included in the software, giving a high degree of customizability for users wanting to perform novel acquisition or processing methods. Python integration has now been built into GMS 3, enabling Python code to be run directly from the existing scripting interface.
