- 分析に適した適切な試料作製技術の採用
- 試料の微細構造を識別する能力
- 焼結、再結晶、および相変化をリアルタイムで像取得
EBSD実験中、試料表面にダメージ層があると、結晶試料から取得される回析パターンが著しく変化する可能性があります。したがって、PECS II システムなどの電解研摩ツールを使用して、試料の表面が十分に滑らかで、回析パターンにぼやけを生成しないようにすることが重要です。次の画像は、PECS IIシステムにより高応力下のジルカロイ2合金試料をダメージの無いの状態に保ち、1 x 0.7 mm視野でIPFZマップの境界や粒界を高解像度で識別できることを示しています。結果は、オックスフォード大学の物質科、Angus Wilkinson教授およびHamidreza Abdolvand博士のご厚意によるものです。試料はPECS IIシステムによって作製。データはBruker Quantax EBSDシステムを搭載したZeiss Compact Merlinで取得。
試料の動きやドリフト、照射による損傷は、影響を受けやすい試料を取り扱う場合や経時的な試料の活性を測定する場合に直面する共通の課題です。ライブドリフト補正を使用すると、隣接した画像間のドリフトを自動的に常時補正し、アーチファクトの発生や分解能の低下をほぼ防ぐことができます。次の画像は、OneView®カメラを使用して取得した4k x 4k解像度の電子線照射に敏感なゼオライト試料を示しています。
以下は、in-situ実験中の金ナノ粒子焼結を示しています。OneViewカメラを使用して最大解像度で個々の画像を記録することで、これらのビデオの全フレームが4k x 4kの高解像度画像になっていることがわかります。この方法を使用すると、個々の画像の抽出、取得後のドリフト補正の適用、全部または一部の画像からの動画の作成などの後処理が可能になります。これにより、非常に高い時間分解能と空間分解能で反応を捉えることができます。下の左の動画は、全視野(35 x 35 nm2)で5フレームをスキップした1k x 1kのもの、中央の動画は、関心領域(ROI)に合わせてトリミングし(ビニングx1)、3フレームをスキップしたもの、右の動画は、ROIに合わせてトリミングしたもの(ビニングx1)です。
左の画像は、800 ºCのin situで撮影した青銅試料の再結晶化を示すEBSDマップです。右の画像は、SEMの厳しい検出器レイアウトにおいても動的EBSDによる相変化を分析できることを示しています。
Strain effects in SrHfO3 films grown by hybrid molecular beam epitaxy
ACS Applied Electronic Materials2025Gemperline, P. T.; Thind, A. S.; Tang, C.; Sterbinsky, G. E.; Kiefer, B.; Jin, W.; Klie, R. F.; Comes, R. B. -
Phenomenological understanding of the contribution of bulk and grain boundary precipitates on strengthening in prolonged-aged Al-Zn-Mg-Cu aluminium alloys
Materials Today Advances2025Tai, C. L.; Chiu, Y. N.; Chen, C. J.; Lin, S. K.; Lin, H. C.; Misra, R. D. K.; Yang, Y. L.; Hsiao, C. N.; Tsao, C. S.; Chung, T. F. -
Direct observation of single-atom defects in monolayer two-dimensional materials by using electron ptychography at 200 kV acceleration voltage
Scientific Reports2024Chen, Y.; Chou, T. -C.; Fang, C. -H.; Lu, C. -Y.; Hsiao, C. -N.; Hsu, W. -T.; Chen, C. -C. -
InsteaDMatic: Towards cross-platform automated continuous rotation electron diffraction
Journal of Applied Crystallography2020Roslova, M.; Smeets, S.; Wang, B.; Thersleff, T.; Xu, H.; Zou, X. -
Improving data quality for three-dimensional electron diffraction by a post-column energy filter and a new crystal tracking method
Journal of Applied Crystallography2022Yang, T.; Xua, H.; Zoua, X. -
A simple pressure-assisted method for MicroED specimen preparation
Nature Communications2021Zhao, J.; Xu, H.; Lebrette, H.; Carroni, M.; Taberman, H.; Hogbom, M.; Zou, X. -
New magic Au24 cluster stabilized by PVP: Selective formation, atomic structure, and oxidation catalysis
JACS Au2021Hasegawa, S.; Takano, S.; Harano, K.; Tsukuda, T. -
Antiferroelectric PbSnO3 epitaxial thin films
Advanced Science2022Lai, Y. H.; Zheng, J. D.; Lu, S. C.; Wang, Y. K.; Duan, C. G.; Yu, P.; Zheng, Y. Z.; Huang, R.; Chang, L.; Chu, M. W.; Hsu, J. H.; Chu, Y. H. -
Mg segregation at inclined facets of pyramidal inversion domains in GaN:Mg
Scientific Reports2022Persson, A. R.; Papamichail, A.; Darakchieva, V. -
Cinematographic imaging and analysis of the electron beam-induced formation of an endohedral metalloporphyrin-fullerene hybrid
Research Square2022Hölzel, H.; Lee, S.; Amsharov, K.; Jux, N.; Harano, K.; Nakamura, E.; Lungerich, D. -
Effect of Fe addition on the microstructure, transformation behaviour and superelasticity of NiTi alloys fabricated by laser powder bed fusion
Virtual and Physical Prototyping2022Xi, R.; Jiang, H.; Li, G.; Zhang, Z.; Zhao, G.; Vanmeensel, K.; Kustov, S.; Humbeeck. J. V.; Wang. X. -
Nanostructured 3C-SiC on Si by a network of (111) platelets: A fully textured film generated by intrinsic growth anisotropy
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics2022Vanacore, G. M.;Chrastina, D.; Scalise, E.; Barbisan, L.; Ballabio, A.; Mauceri, M.; Via, F. L.; Capitani, G.; Crippa, D.; Marzegalli, A.; Bergamaschini. R.; Miglio. L. -
Real-space measurement of orbital electron populations for Li1-xCoO2
Nature Communications2022Shang, T.; Xiao, D.; Meng, F.; Rong, X.; Gao, A.; Lin, T.; Tang, Z.; Liu, X.; Li, X.; Zhang, Q.; Wen, Y.; Xiao, R.; Wang, X.; Su, D.; Hu, Y. S.; Li, H.; Yu, Q.; Zhang, Z.; Petricek, V.; Wu, L.; Gu, L.; Zuo, J. M.; Zhu, Y.; Nan. C. W.; Zhu. J. -
Dislocation exhaustion and ultra-hardening of nanograined metals by phase transformation at grain boundaries
Nature Communications2022Wu, S.; Kou, Z.; Lai, Q.; Lan, S.; Katnagallu, S. S.; Hahn, H.; Taheriniya, S.; Wilde, G.; Gleiter, H.; Feng, T. -
Optical properties of zinc ferrite nanoparticles embedded in zinc oxide thin films investigated by STEM, EELS and Cl
Microscopy and Microanalysis2022Elgvin, C.; Kjeldby, S. B.; Both, K. G.; Nguyen, P. D.; Prytz, Ø. -
Few-nm-sized, phase-pure Au5Sn intermetallic nanoparticles: synthesis and characterization
Dalton Transactions2021Osugi, S.; Takano, S.; Masuda, S.; Harano, K.; Tsukuda, T. -
Effect of solution treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast Al-12Si-4Cu-2Ni-0.8Mg-0.2Gd alloy
China Foundry2022Sui, Y. -D.; Jiang, Y. -H.; Wang, Q. -D. -
Microstructure evolution and age-hardening response in Mg-Sn-Sm alloys under a wide range of Sm/Sn ratio
China Foundry2022Liu, F.; Hu, W. -X.; Yang, Z. -H.; Wang, W.; He, W. -
A novel lean alloy of biodegradable Mg–2Zn with nanograins
Bioactive Materials2021Wang, W.; Blawert, C.; Zan, R.; Sun, Y.; Peng, H.; Ni, J.; Han, P.; Suo, T.; Song, Y.; Zhang, S.; Zheludkevich, M. L.; Zhang, X. -
Insight into the dynamic recrystallization behavior and microstructure evolution of MP159 superalloy during hot deformation
Metals and Materials International2022Cai, Y.; Xiang, S.; Tan, Y. -
Local chemical fluctuation mediated ductility in body-centered-cubic high-entropy alloys
Materials Today2021Bu, Y.; Wu, Y.; Lei, Z.; Yuan, X.; Wu, H.; Feng, X.; Liu, J.; Ding, J.; Lu, Y.; Wang, H.; Lu, Z.; Yang, W. -
Graded microstructure preparation in austenitic stainless steel during radial-shear rolling
Metallurgist2021Lezhnev, S. N.; Naizabekov, A. B.; Panin, E. A.; Volokitina, I. E.; Arbuz, A. S. -
Spatial mapping of electrostatic fields in 2D heterostructures
Nano Letters2021Murthy, A. A.; Ribet, S. M.; Stanev, T. K.; Liu, P.; Watanabe, K.; Taniguchi, T.; Stern, N. P.; dos Reis, R.; Dravid, V. P. -
Effect of adventitious carbon on pit formation of monolayer MoS2
Advanced Materials2020Park, S.; Siahrostami, S.; Park, J.; Mostaghimi, A. H. B.; Kim, T. R.; Vallez, L.; Gill, T. M.; Park, W.; Goodson, K. E.; Sinclair, R.; Zheng, X. -
Direct observation of amorphous precursor phases in the nucleation of protein–metal–organic frameworks
Journal of American Chemical Society2020Ogata, A. F.; Rakowski, A. M.; Carpenter, B. P.; Fishman, D. A.; Merham, J. G.; Hurst, P. J.; Patterson, J. P. -
A novel L12-strengthened multicomponent Co-rich high-entropy alloy with both high γ′-solvus temperature and superior high-temperature strength
Scripta Materialia2021Cao, B. X.; Kong, H. J.; Ding, Z. Y.; Wu, S. W.; Luan, J. H.; Jiao, Z. B.; Lu, J.; Liu, C. T.; Yang, T. -
Pairwise dilatational strain as a parametric model describing potential secondary phase formation and high-angle grain misorientation in as-cast high-entropy alloys
Intermetallics2022Leong, Z.; Huang, Y.; Wróbel, J. S.; Gao, J.; Morley, N.; Goodall, R. -
Enhancement of corrosive-resistant behavior of Zn and Mg metal plates using biosynthesized nickel oxide nanoparticles
Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion2021Sudha, M.; Surendhiran, S.; Gowthambabu, V.; Balamurugan, A.; Anandarasu, R.; Syed Khadar, Y. A.; Vasudevan, D. -
The microstructural and stress evolution in sputter deposited Ni thin films
2021Koenig, T. R.; Rao, Z.; Chason, E.; Tucker, G. J.; Thompson, G. B. -
On the effect of carbon content and tempering on mechanical properties and stiffness of martensitic Fe–18.8Cr–1.8B–xC high modulus steels
Materials Science and Engineering: A2021Baron, C.; Werner, H.; Springer, H. -
Evolution of anisotropic arrow nanostructures during controlled overgrowth
Advanced Functional Materials2021Wang, W.; Erofeev, I.; Nandi, P.; Yan, H.; Mirsaidov, U. -
Electric field control of chirality
Science Advances2022Behera, P.; May, M. A.; Gomez-Ortiz, F.; Susarla, S.; Das, S.; Nelson, C. T.; Caretta, L.; Hsu, S. -L.; McCarter, M. R.; Savitzky, B. H.; Barnard, E. S.; Raja, A.; Hong, Z.; Garcia-Fernandez, P.; Lovesey, S. W.; Van der Laan, G.; Ercius, P.; Ophus, C.; Martin, L. W.; Junquera, J.; Raschke, M. B.; Ramesh, R. -
Lattice-resolution, dynamic imaging of hydrogen absorption into bimetallic AgPd nanoparticles
ACS Nano2022Angell, D. K.; Bourgeois, B.; Vadai, M.; Dionne, J. A. -
Diffusional-displacive transformation mechanism for the β1 precipitate in a model Mg-rare-earth alloy
Materials Characterization2021Xie, H.; Zhao, X.; Jiang, J.; Bai, J.; Li, S.; Pan, H.; Pang, X.; Li, H.; Ren, Y.; Qin, G. -
High-temperature deformation behavior of a novel high strength and high elasticity Cu–20Ni–20Mn–0.3Nb–0.3Cr–0.1Zr alloy
Intermetallics2021Liu, B.; Zhao, G.; Zhang, X.; Guo, J.; Gong, S.; Xie, G.; Peng, L.; Li, Z. -
Selective laser melting of AlCu-TiB2 alloy using pulsed wave laser emission mode: processability, microstructure and mechanical properties
Materials & Design2021Biffi, C. A.; Bassani, P.; Fiocchi, J.; Albu, M.; Tuissi, A. -
Robust low friction performance of graphene sheets embedded carbon films coated orthodontic stainless steel archwires
Friction2021Pan, Z.; Zhou, Q.; Wang, P.; Diao, D. -
Development of high strength and ductile Zn-Al-Li alloys for potential use in bioresorbable medical devices
Materials Science and Engineering: C2021Farabi, E.; Sharp, J. A.; Vahid, A.; Fabijanic, D. M.; Barnett, M. R.; Gallo, S. C. -
Impact of precipitated phases on the microstructure and mechanical properties of eutectic Sn58Bi alloy
Journal of Alloys and Compounds2022Wei, Y.; Zhao, X.; Liu, Z.; Tan, C. -
Microstructure evolution and shear strength of the Cu/Au80Sn20/Cu solder joints with multiple reflow temperatures
Materials2022Chen, C.; Sun, M.; Cheng, Z.; Liang, Y. -
Role of extrusion rate on the microstructure and tensile properties evolution of ultrahigh-strength low-alloy Mg-1.0Al-1.0Ca-0.4Mn (wt.%) alloy
Journal of Magnesium and Alloys2021Liu, X. Q.; Qiao, X. G.; Pei, R. S.; Chi, Y. Q.; Yuan, L.; Zheng, M. Y. -
On the role of transmission electron microscopy for precipitation analysis in metallic materials
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences2021Zhou, T.; Babu, R. P.; Hou, Z.; Hedström, P. -
Effect of aging time on the microstructural characterization and corrosion resistance of Al-4.5 Cu-1Li-0.4 Mg-0.4 Ag-0.4 Mn-0.5 Zn alloys
International Journal of Metallurgy and Metal Physics2021Chen, W.; Ding, D.; Zhang, W.; Xiao, D. -
In situ monitoring of the seeding and growth of silver metal–organic nanotubes by liquid-cell transmission electron microscopy
ACS Nano2020Gnanasekaran, K., Vailonis, K. M., Jenkins, D. M., Gianneschi, N. C. -
Inside polyMOFs: Layered structures in polymer-based metal–organic frameworks
Chemical Science2020Bentz, K. C., Gnanasekaran, K., Bailey, J. B. Ayala, S., Tezcan, F. A., Gianneschi, N. C., Cohen, S. M. -
Colloidal Synthesis and Optical Properties of Perovskite-Inspired Cesium Zirconium Halide Nanocrystals
ACS Materials Lett.2020Abfaltere, A.; Shamsi, J.; Kubicki, D. J.; Savory, C. N.; Xiao, J.; Divitini, G.; Li, W.; Macpherson, S.; Gałkowski, K.; MacManus-Driscoll, J. L.; Scanlon, D. O.; Stranks, S. D. -
In situ kinetic and thermodynamic growth control of Au–Pd core–shell nanoparticles
Journal of American Chemical Society2018Tan, S. F.; Bisht, G.; Anand, U.; Bosman, M.; Yong, X. E.; Mirsaidov, U. -
A high-entropy alloy with hierarchical nanoprecipitates and ultrahigh strength
Science Advances2018Fu, Z.; Jiang, L.; Wardini, J. L.; MacDonald, B. E.; Wen, H.; Xiong, W.; Zhang, D.; Zhou, Y.; Rupert, T. J.; Chen, W.; Lavernia, E. J. -
Hybrid nanocellulose decorated with silver nanoparticles as reinforcing filler with antibacterial properties
Materials Science and Engineering: C2019Errokh, A.; Magnin, A.; Putaux, J. -L.; Boufi, S. -
Direct visualization of electric-field-induced structural dynamics in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides
ACS Nano2020Murthy, A. A.; Stanev, T. K.; dos Reis, R.; Hao, S.; Wolverton, C.; Stern, N. P.; Dravid, V. P. -
Conductive 2D metal-organic framework for high-performance cathodes in aqueous rechargeable zinc batteries
Nature Communications2019Nam, K. W.; Park, S. S.; dos Reis, R.; Dravid, V. P. Kim, H.; Mirkin, C. A.; Stoddart, J. F. -
Structural analysis of single nanoparticles in liquid by low-dose STEM nanodiffraction
Micron2019Khelfa, A.; Byun, C.; Nelayah, J.; Wang, G.; Ricolleau, C.; Alloyeau, D. -
Design strategies for efficient nonstoichiometric mixed metal oxide electrocatalysts: Correlating measurable oxide properties to electrocatalytic performance
ACS Catalysis2019Samji Samira, S.; Gu, X. -K.; Nikolla, E. -
Real-space charge-density imaging with sub-ångstrom resolution by four-dimensional electron microscopy
Nature2019Gao, W.; Addiego, C.; Wang, H,; Yan, X.; Hou, Y.; Ji, D.; Heikes, C.; Zhang, Y.; Li, L.; Huyan, H.; Blum, T.; Aoki, T.; Nie, Y.; Schlom, D.; Wu, R.; Pan, X. -
Direct imaging of tunable crystal surface structures of MOF MIL-101 using high-resolution electron microscopy
Journal of American Chemical Society2019Li, X.; Wang, J.; Liu, X.; Liu, L.; Cha, D.; Zheng, X.; Yousef, A. A.; Song, K.; Zhu, Y.; Zhang, D.; Han, Y. -
Formation of two-dimensional transition metal oxide nanosheets with nanoparticles as intermediates
Nature Materials2019Yang, J.; Zeng, Z.; Kang, J.; Betzler, S.; Czarnik, C.; Zhang, X.; Ophus, C.; Yu, C.; Bustillo, K.; Pan, M.; Qiu, J.; Wang, L. -W.; Zheng, H. -
Cryo-EM structures of atomic surfaces and host-guest chemistry in metal-organic frameworks
Matter2019Li, Y.; Wang, K.; Zhou, W.; Sinclair, R.; Chiu, W.; Cui, Y. -
Off-axis electron holography for imaging the magnetic behavior of vortex-state minerals
Microscopy and Analysis2019Almeida, T. P.; Muxworthy, A. R.; Williams, W.; Kasama, T.; Kovács, A.; Dunin-Borkowski, R. E. -
Optimization of mechanical and corrosion properties of plasma sprayed low-chromium containing Fe-based amorphous/nanocrystalline composite coating
Surface and Coatings Technology2019Kumar, A.; Nayak, S. K.; Bijalwan, P.; Dutta, M.; Banerjee, A.; Laha, T. -
Fermi level shift in carbon nanotubes by dye confinement
Carbon2019Almadoria, Y.; Delport, G.; Chambard, R.;Orcin-Chaix, L.; Selvati, A. C.; Izard, N.; Belhboub, A.; Aznar, R.; Jousselme, B.; Campidelli, S.; Hermet, P.; Le Parca, R.; Saito, T.; Sato, Y.; Suenaga, K.; Puech, P.; Lauret, J. S.; Cassabois, G.; Bantignies, J. -L.; Alvarez, L. -
A transmission electron microscopy study of the neutron-irradiation response of Ti-based MAX phases at high temperatures
Acta Materialia2019Tunes, M. A.; Harrison, R. W.; Donnelly, S. E.; Edmondson, P. D. -
Nanoscale iron nitride, ε-Fe3N: Preparation from liquid ammonia and magnetic properties
Chemistry of Materials2016Zieschang, A. -M.; Bocarsly, J. D.; Dürrschnabel, M.; Molina-Luna, L.; Kleebe, H. -J.; Seshadri, R.; Albert, B. -
Planar defect formation in the γ′ phase during high temperature creep in single crystal CoNi-base superalloys
Acta Materialia2016Eggeler, Y. M.; Müller, J.; Titus, M. S.; Suzuki, A.; Pollock, T. M.; Spiecker, E. -
Thermal stability comparison of nanocrystalline Fe-based binary alloy pairs
Journal of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society2016Clark, B. G.; Hattar, K. M.; Marshall, M. T.; Chookajorn, T.; Boyce, B. L.; Schuh, C. A. -
Microstructure evolution and crystallography of the phase-change material TiSbTe films annealed in situ
Journal of Alloys and Compounds2016Chen, Y. -J.; Zhang, B.; Ding, Q. -Q.; Deng, Q. -S.; Chen, Y.; Song, Z. -T.; Li, J. -X.; Zhang, Z.; Han, X. -D. -
Nanoscale engineering in VO2 nanowires via direct electron writing process
Nano Letters2017Zhang, Z.; Guo, H.; Ding, W.; Zhang, B.; Lu, Y.; Ke, X.; Liu, W.; Chen, F.; Sui, M. -
In situ observation of twin boundary sliding in single crystalline Cu nanowires
Small2017Yue, Y.; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, X.; Yang, Z.; Yin, P.; Guo, L. -
Secondary phases in AlxCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloys: An in-situ TEM heating study and thermodynamic appraisal
Acta Materialia2017Rao, J. C.; Diao, H. Y.; Ocelík, V.; Vainchtein, D.; Zhang, C.; Kuo, C.; Tang, Z.; Guo, W.; Poplawsky, J. D.; Zhou, Y.; Liaw, P. K.; De Hosson, J. Th. M. -
A discovery of strong metal–support bonding in nanoengineered Au–Fe3O4 dumbbell-like nanoparticles by in situ transmission electron microscopy
Nano Letters2017Han, C. W.; Choksi, T.; Milligan, C.; Majumdar, P.; Manto, M.; Cui, Y.; Sang, X.; Unocic, R. R.; Zemlyanov, D.; Wang, C.; Ribeiro, F. H.; Greeley, J.; Ortalan, V. -
Creation of single chain of nanoscale skyrmion bubbles with record-high temperature stability in a geometrically confined nanostripe
Nano Letters2018Hou, Z.; Zhang, Q.; Xu, G.; Gong, C.; Ding, B.; Wang, Y.; Li, H.; Liu, E.; Xu, F.; Zhang, H.; Yao, Y.; Wu, G.; Zhang, X. - X.; Wang, W. -
First transparent oxide ion conducting ceramics synthesized by full crystallization from glass
Journal of Materials Chemistry A2017Boyer, M.; Yang, X.; Carrión, A. J. F.; Wang, Q.; Véron, E.; Genevois, C.; Hennet, L.; Matzen, G.; Suard, E.; Thiaudière, D.; Castro, C.; Pelloquin, D.; Kong, L. B.; Kuang, X.; Allix, M. -
Temperature and magnetic field dependence of the internal and lattice structures of skyrmions by off-axis electron holography
Condensed Matter2016Shibata, K.; Kovács, A.; Kanazawa, N.; Dunin-Borkowski, R. E.; Tokura, Y. -
Magnetic antiskyrmions above room temperature in tetragonal Heusler materials
Nature Letters2017Nayak, A. K.; Kumar, V.; Ma, T.; Werner, P.; Pippel, E.; Sahoo, R.; Damay, F.; Rößler, U. K.; Felser, C.; Parkin, S. S. P. -
Origin of zero and negative thermal expansion in severely-deformed superelastic NiTi alloy
Acta Materialia2017Ahadi, A.; Matsushita, Y.; Sawaguchi, T.; Sun, Q. P.; Tsuchiya, K. -
Experimental observation of chiral magnetic bobbers in B20-type FeGe
Nature Nanotechnology2018Zheng, F.; Rybakov, F. N.; Borisov, A. B.; Song, D.; Wang, S.; Li, Z. -A.; Du, H.; Kiselev, N. S.; Caron, J.; Kovács, A.; Tian, M.; Zhang, Y.; Blügel, S.; Dunin-Borkowski, R. E. -
Unconventional magnetization textures and domain-wall pinning in Sm--Co magnets
Condensed Matter2019Pierobon, L.; Kovács, A.; Schäublin, R. E.; Wyss, U.; Dunin-Borkowski, R. E.; Löffler, J. F.; Charilaou, M. -
Nanoscale mosaicity revealed in peptide microcrystals by scanning electron nanodiffraction
Communications Biology2019Gallagher-Jones, M.; Ophus, C.; Bustillo, K. C.; Boyer, D. R.; Panova, O.; Glynn, C.; Zee, C., -T.; Ciston, J.; Mancia, K. C.; Minor, A. M.; Rodriguez, J. A. -
Surface crystallization of liquid Au–Si and its impact on catalysis
Advanced Materials2018Panciera, F.; Tersoff, J.; Gamalski, A. D.; Reuter, M. C.; Zakharov, D.; Stach, E. A.; Hofmann, S.; Ross, F. M -
Light and electron microscopy unite for new view of nanoparticles
Microscopy and Microanalysis2018Pool, R. -
Atomic step flow on a nanofacet
Physical Review Letters2018Harmand, J. -C.; Patriarche, G.; Glas, F.; Panciera, F.; Florea, I.; Maurice, J. -L.; Travers, L.; Ollivier, Y. -
Dynamics of transformation from platinum icosahedral nanoparticles to larger FCC crystal at millisecond time resolution
Scientific Reports2018Gao, W.; Wu, J.; Yoon, A.; Lu, P.; Qi, L.; Wen, J.; Miller, D. J.; Mabon, J. C.; Wilson, W. L.; Yang, H.; Zuo, J. -M. -
Local nanoscale strain mapping of a metallic glass during in situ testing
Applied Physics Letters2018Gammer, C.; Ophus, C.; Pekin, T. C.; Eckert, J.; Minor, A. M. -
Correlation between electrical transport and nanoscale strain in InAs/In0.6Ga0.4As core–shell nanowires
Nano Letters2018Zeng, L.; Gammer, C.; Ozdol, B.; Nordqvist, T.; Nygård, J.; Krogstrup, P.; Minor, A. M.; Jäger, W.; Olsson, E. -
Probing light atoms at sub-nanometer resolution: Realization of scanning transmission electron microscope holography
Cornell University Library2018Yasin, F. S.; Harvey, T. R.; Chess, J. J.; Pierce, J. S.; Ophus, C.; Ercius, P.; McMorran, B. J. -
Fast gas–solid reaction kinetics of nanoparticles unveiled by millisecond in situ electron diffraction at ambient pressure
Angewandte Chemie2018Yu, J.; Yuan, W.; Yang, H.; Xu, Q.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, Z. -
Electrostatic adsorption-microwave synthesis of palladium nanoparticles on graphene for improved cross-coupling activity
Applied Catalysis A: General2018S.E.Gilliland III, Tengco, J. M. M.; Yang, Y.; Regalbuto, J. R.; Castano, C. E.; Gupton, B. F. -
Stabilization of spherical nanoparticles of iron(III) hydroxides in aqueous solution by wormlike micelles
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science2018Destefani, T. A.; Onaga, G. L.; de Farias, M. A.; Percebom, A. M.; Sabadini, E. -
In situ nanobeam electron diffraction strain mapping of planar slip in stainless steel
Scripta Materialia2017Pekin, T. C.; Gammer, C.; Ciston, J.; Ophus, C.; Minor, A. M. -
In-situ study of the mechanisms of high temperature damage in elastic-plastic cyclic loading of nickel superalloy
Advanced Materials Research2014Petrenec, M.; Polák, J.; Šamořil, T.; Dluhoš, J.; Obrtlík, K.