Day one instructions for your Elsa cryo-transfer holder

  1. Unpack and verify that the following parts are present: the Elsa™ cryo-transfer holder (model 698), the temperature controller (model 1905), the cryo-transfer workstation (P/N 698.TFR), and the valve upgrade kit (P/N 698.655UPG). 
  2. (If required) Install the valve upgrade kit (P/N 698.655UPG) onto your existing turbo pumping station (model 655, see 655.12000 Valve Installation Instructions).

  3. Place the temperature controller next to the turbo pumping station.
  4. Connect the standard cable to the connector labeled “Gatan 1” in the shown drawing:


  1. Connect the power cable to the temperature controller and plug into the wall.
  2. Turn on the temperature controller by briefly touching the button shown below:

  1. Insert the holder into the turbo pumping station.
  2. Connect the standard cable to the end of the Elsa holder (#1). Then attach the pumping tube to the port on the Elsa holder (#2), open valve #3, then open valve #4.

  3. Turn on the turbo pumping station.
  4. Using the menu on the temperature controller, set the system to bake out, then leave overnight.
  5. In the morning, first, close valve #4, then turn off the pumping station and remove the holder for its first use.