Better resolve faint, high-resolution diffraction spots with ClearView Frame Control mode
Enabling Frame Control mode allows users to better leverage the full dynamic range of the camera and maximize the signal-to-noise in acquired images by reducing the camera framerate and minimizing the total readout noise in an image. The left image shows a selected area electron diffraction pattern of a Si [110] sample. Frame Control mode was used to optimize the signal-to-noise. The diffraction pattern was a 1s acquisition at 4 fps and 4k x 4k resolution. The middle image shows an inset area of the diffraction pattern, showing faint diffraction spots. Spot #1 in particular is very faint. The right image is a line profile across the marked spots in the left-most image. The line profile is shown with a split y-axis to show the range of spot intensities acquired in the image. Spot #1 is shown to have ~100 counts of total intensity, which would not be resolved without Frame Control mode. The most intense spots contain over 250,000 counts.
Images acquired with a ClearView camera at 4k x 4k resolution and 200 kV.